Really enjoyed reading this - I particularly loved seeing the nod to the value of overshow and optimising for reach. Definitely where a lot of the value lies and something I'm really pleased to have worked with Squadron on in the past. Interestingly, I have had a few fintech clients where budgets were very small, so we did go for placement over reach. The trick here was to combine that with creating loads of content using that ad, which could then feed into earned media (ie. picture stories, trade and creative press, local media) and owned content. Arguably this may be more of a comms-led stunt rather than a full OOH campaign, but it certainly drove results!

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Apr 3Author

Exactly - both strategies are good ones! Just important to be clear on what you're trying to do. If it's earned media, then a couple good sites with some clever creative and a strong content strategy can do that. If it's grab share of voice / build brand through reach then you have to buy the media. Squadron were brilliant at helping work out the strategy side.

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